Why I Quit Blogging, And Why I'm Back.

 The last blog post on this blog was dated October 15th, last year. It's been 4 long, enlightening months since I have worked on the blog.

Today let's cover some mistakes and resolutions. I learnt some things from quitting and restarting, and it nostalgically feels like the start of something new.

Was I happy about blogging?

I started blogging because I wanted to put myself out there online. It sounded fascinating to create a community of like-minded people.

I watched influencers online talk always about making money with ads and brand campaigns. I had whims to make passive income too.

I didn't have real passion in writing in itself, which made me decide that I simply shouldn't force myself to do what doesn't bring me joy.

I stick by that idea even today when it comes to activities that are voluntary than obligatory.

This mindset made it even harder for me to get by the chores of blogging - taking and editing photographs, managing social media and Pinterest, and sitting to write at least half an hour daily.

I knew I would rather sit on the couch, rest my head on the daddy-pillow and watch some YouTube or play some video-games in those breaks, but the feeling of obligation was too powerful.

So I quit blogging, to be happier.

Did I see the results I wanted to see? 

I set goals, like, for everything. Blogging shouldn't be an exception, I thought.

I mean, it made sense to envision a gigantic future with this blog and the steps to reach that success.

I researched and set a reasonable goal for each month. I should get these many views this month, this much in the next month, etc.

I didn't reach those goals, and honestly, I was not enthusiastic about this stagnant growth.

I wasn't much discouraged by this downhill progress because it was quite predictable and I was mentally prepared for it, but I was at least minimally disappointed.

Pinterest required a hefty amount of 'maintenance' through constant updates which I wasn't interested in doing. This reflected in the lack of traffic to the blog via Pinterest.

The optimal outlook then would have been to persist and not quit immediately, but the pressure to do the best I could worked against me.

Was I confident?

I had a multitude of ideas that I considered worthless. I thought - why would anyone care if there are millions of other bloggers talking about it better than me?

It would take me ages to attain the same level of credibility and expertise as those other, more knowledgeable influencers.

But that turned out to not matter when I came across this inspiring video by Ali Abdaal: How Writing Online Made me a Millionaire

It was not about the 'Millionaire' part, which isn't the subject anyways, but rather the motivation to show your creations to the world without hesitation.

The right thing to have done then was to just confidently put things out there without agonizing over what other people have to say about it or its status among the diverse millions of other competitors on this digital platform.

I have been thinking about restarting blogging because I had more time again, and maybe I could write and enjoy doing it, rather than treating it like another thing to get done.
