How To Develop A Reading Habit In 3 Steps

Books have existed way before the advent of video gaming and Netflix. Having a good bookshelf at home is equivalent to having a gaming setup or a home theater, or even better. We must remember that just years ago, we only used to read, read and read. Technology, to such a great extent, has struck us only now. Relying on the fact that it has entertained us earlier, there is no doubt that it can even now. It is therefore, never too late to start a good habit of reading.
A good book is like a good friend. Sometimes new ideas and thoughts emerge. It opens up different perspectives about topics. It boosts your vocabulary and literary skills. It can spark imagination and creativity. Even if it could not do any of this, it will definitely keep you occupied and entertained as long as you keep reading it.

There are 3 steps I recommend to develop a reading habit:
Step 1: Plan
Step 1: Build Accountability
Step 3: Practice it!

Step 1: Plan

Before you do anything. plan and get a better picture about how often you will read. Are you engaged in a full-time job and won't really get much time to spare? Do you intend to read daily or every other day? How many pages will you read in a day?

Think of the best time for you to read in a day. Morning hours tend to work well for me, so I read for an hour in the morning. As a student, I read during the break between study sessions. Sometimes I do not read in a day at all. Maybe you feel too tired to read late after work or mornings are your most productive times that you wish to use for tasks.

Set Goals

Setting goals is the best way to be able to see yourself at the end of your efforts. It gives a sense of purpose to 'why' you have started something. To inculcate any habit, it takes time, energy and above all, determination. Sometimes we do not have the time or energy, but are still determined to practice the habit - and usually these tend to be bad habits!

It is better to start small. Scale down your goals to make sure that they are realistic and attainable. If you know that you cannot read fifty pages a day, then read only twenty.
Begin simple and easy. Even the expert was once a beginner.

Experiment with the number of pages. It makes it so much easier to stick with your habit. Why? Because if you set a goal of reading 20 pages a day, then within a week it would be 140 pages and within a month, you will have read 6000 pages! You will also be able to cover more ground if you set daily page goals. Maybe less than 20 pages if you are just starting out.

It is not only because the satisfaction of attaining achievable and feasible goals motivates you do continue reading, but also it ensures that you are doing it whilst enjoying it and not feeling forced to do it. By setting unrealistic goals, you pressurize yourself and end up losing your mind doing it.

This might seem obvious, but we all forget or undermine from time to time, that often the disturbing thoughts of facing direct, undesirable consequences make us do certain things, and not our passion for it. We see that innocent passion in children - they just do what excites them. Pondering over such thoughts reminds me that we grown-ups have a lot to learn from those who are much smaller than us.

Step 2: Build Accountability

Accountability is very essential to ensure that you stick to what you have started. It really is the drive to keep you motivated. 

Join A Book Club

The best way to make sure you stick to your goals is by joining a book club or community. Being around those who share the same interests as you boosts your progress. Keeping up with your book club-mates will come as a challenge that will give you a purpose to follow your reading schedules.

Now that almost everything is digitalized, there are online communities and groups to help you with your habits. Sometimes a book is picked to be featured for the month and everyone has to provide their views on the book at the end of the month. You get to learn more when you are a part of something bigger. It is not just beneficial for you, but you can also help your fellow ardent readers by suggesting books, giving reviews on books that you have read, and discussing relevant topics.
If you love book reviews, be sure to put your suggestions about which book to review next in the comments below!

Step 3: Practice it!

This step is quite self-explanatory. Practicing your habit is the best way to maintain it.
Most importantly, do not forget to enjoy it. As mentioned earlier, there is no meaning in doing something that does not bring you joy. Do it because you find peace and comfort in doing what you love.

Most of us do have more time now, given the current circumstances. We can utilize this time to develop new habits and skills to make best use of this opportunity.
I do not read some days when I do not feel to. You do not have to either. Reading is a therapeutic and organic form of entertainment that really can be enjoyable and informative. I remember as a child, I would wait for the books to arrive from the regional bookstore, not because I liked reading them, but because there was something so mysterious about them that could break my ability to resist my curiosity and I just liked collecting objects and arranging them neatly and symmetrically on my shelf (A very typical hoarder!). My purpose then is different from what it is now. I read now because I love it.


  1. Good suggestions and I am proud that you developed this wonderful habit of reading and now inviting others to enjoy reading.


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